Clinic Safety
Your safety is our priority! Here’s our 2025 safety guidelines.
Before Your Appointment
• If you are sick or have been sick in the past 24 hours, please cancel your appointment.
At Your Appointment
• Wear a mask when you arrive and throughout your appointment. You may wear any mask of your choosing provided it (1) always covers both your nose and mouth and (2) does not have a vent. We have free masks available on the front desk and in the treatment room. There are no exceptions to the mask policy.
• Hand sanitize upon entry to the clinic and before entering the treatment room.
• If you have a driver, caregiver, or family member accompanying you who is not receiving a treatment, they must wear a mask at all times and hand sanitize when entering the clinic.
• You may bring your own sheet and/or blankets for comfort. Each chair is covered with a plastic cover which is sanitized before and after each treatment. We provide a paper sheet to place over the plastic cover before your treatment. If you would prefer a fabric sheet over the chair instead of a paper sheet, or if you would like to have blankets covering you during your treatment, we have sheets and blankets for sale for $6 each, or you may bring your own.
After Your Appointment
• Please hand sanitize before leaving the treatment room. There is hand sanitizer right next to the treatment room door. Please be sure to close the door quietly!
Our Safety Measures
• As always, your safety and the safety of our staff is our utmost priority!
• Everyone, including patients, acupuncturists and receptionists, must wear a mask at all times in the clinic and office. There are no exceptions to the mask policy.
• Treatment times are limited to one hour.
• We have installed hospital-grade HEPA filters in our HVAC system. In the treatment room, we have installed three medical-grade H13 HEPA air purifiers to completely filter the air every 10 minutes = 6 air exchanges per hour. There are two HEPA air purifiers in the reception area as well.
• We keep the windows open for ventilation. Our windows are double-hung, so we are able to open them from the top to allow air flow on cold days while still keeping the clinic warm. We also keep a fan running that blows air out of the clinic to allow fresh air to come in more easily.
• We thoroughly clean and disinfect the office and treatment room (including the recliners, rolling stools, needle stations, and high-touch surfaces) at the beginning of each shift.
• We sanitize each recliner, rolling stool, and needle station immediately after each treatment.
• We disinfect all high-touch surfaces in the clinic hourly.
• We thoroughly clean and disinfect the office and treatment room (including the recliners, rolling stools, needle stations, and high-touch surfaces) at the end of each shift.
• Our acupuncturists and receptionists will not come to work if they suspect that they may be sick or have any symptoms of illness. Please understand that this may require us to cancel/reschedule appointments. It is in the interest of everyone’s safety that we self-quarantine if we are experiencing any possible symptoms.
• As always, our acupuncturists follow CDC and Clean Needle Technique guidelines for hand washing, which of course includes hand sanitizing upon clinic arrival, before and after needle insertion and removal, and before leaving the clinic.

Many Rivers Community Acupuncture, LLC
PO Box 533
3 Barnard Lane, Suite 205
Bloomfield, CT 06002
(860) 683-0011